Thursday 11 February 2021

Dermatology: Sub branches and their uses

The word dermatology, if looked into its meaning, we see that its root comes from the ancient greek work “dermatos” which means skin and “logy” which means science.

This branch is one of the most in demand branches in the field of medical science currently. They mostly treat and diagnose ailments and disorders of skin and that too especially the epidermis and the outer layer of skin.

The medical branch dermatology is also divided in many different sub branches. They are known as:

Medical Dermatology, Dermatopathology, Surgical Dermatology and Cosmetic Dermatology

The person who practiced Medical Dermatology is the one who usually treats and diagnosis the skin, nails and hair ailments and also suggests preventions and therapies for it.

In dermatopathology subdivision, the case is a little different as the practitioners mainly analyze the condition of skins but with the help of pathological tools and procedures like spine needles, microtomes and many others.

If we talk about the sub branch of surgical dermatology, as it says by the name, it has a dermatologist surgeon who performs various surgeries to provide solutions for many ailments, one of them being skin cancer.

A cosmetic dermatology however is a little different as this branch usually provides solutions to resolve conditions like age spots in wayne and brings charm of the skin, nails and hair.

If you are also looking for a Dermatologist for your ailments, then make sure you visit the site as you can find many professional practitioners who are ready to treat your skin cancer in roxborough.


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